Soaking the Colorado River.

Soaking the Colorado River.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

A bit of itinerary.

A few up coming events that will involve some people hopefully many of you.

Fri 26-27th
I will be setting all night thursday and all day saturdaty in preperation for the Super Bad comp at The Front. (it is in honor of the late reverend James Brown) Friday night those that are competeing are more then welcome to stay at my house. Good times to be had by all. Comp saturday.

Thursday night or friday morning the 1st or 2nd depending on whom is in for this little adventure I am going to head to Stanley and snowshoe probably do a little backcountry skiing. Then it is off to the hot springs and most likely sleep out of my car. Sat morning casually head into Sun Valley for the comp. If anyone from rexburg/ idaho falls wants they can meet me in burly or somewhere near there and I will happily drive.

I am going to be calling on permits to run Westwater canyon on the 21st of April this dosen't garuntee that I am goin on it on that day. I wont find that out until Feb 21st. The permit will be for 25 people if that many are interested. If you have never run Westwater then ask Kori or Sven they have both been on it. Also feel free to spread the word to those that may not blog. Westwater is a 17 mile class 3-4 section. One I have done around 30 times and only lost a few people. If i remember corectlly Sven fell in. We would be making a overnight trip out of it. If you are a kayaker it is a recommended run. I know that Jed kayaks but dosen't blog so someone let him know. Depending on my work schedule I am also looking to go in may. These are typically very good months for the water levels.

If any one has any questions my #is (435)770-2353

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