Soaking the Colorado River.

Soaking the Colorado River.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

The good life.

Well my time on big water cataract canyon has come to an end just as the water started to tank. It was a good good run for me I had a perfect cat season. No flips and I never lost a passanger even with catching woth of the peaks. I still am not telling the epic story of world wide carnage till I get the movie back but it will be worth it. Today I did my first Westwater trip of the season and it was really nice not to be petrified about rowing the canyon. It was just plain fun. I am heading to jackson hole for the weekend to kind of get a little brake in before I leave for the salmon river next week. also I started to get answers back from companies in New Zealand about guiding over there for the winter so life is good right now. I can truely say I am enjoying it.


Kristin said...

That sounds great bro! NZ! That would be AWESOME!!

kori said...

ahh new zealand, still on my must do list. that would be amazing if you could get a guiding job over there! Ive been trying to find some wildlife tech positions, but no luck yet.
oh, and we have named a few of the turtles

Corey said...

Hey if you are talking about my local salmon river then you had better get a hold of us or we will come hunt you down!!