For some reason I cannot seem to sleep tonight. One of those nights that your mind decides that it would much rather spend hours doing laps around the inside of your brain banging pots and pans every time you close your eyes.
I have been down in Moab for quit some time now in a very confined world considering I am in moab where the world is your play ground. A typical day for me is to get up between 7:30 and 9am and wander down to where the Hazelets are building their house. Like saturday I got to spend 10 hours on a 8/12 pitch 30 some odd feet up shingling. My body is still reeling from it.
I am restricted in my travels at the moment even if it is just heading out to go and boulder because I recently sold my car. Other then working on the house I ride my bike a lot and read. Working out is one of my usual past times. I have come up with a few more of my ideas of things to do. As whom people may know I get a lot of them. For instance I have been doing a lot of drawing lately. More specifically tattoo designs for my own amusement of using my creativity. As well as for others to have a little bit of my slightly different prospective on things permanently inked into their skin. Doing so and thinking "Huh, now I am designing these tattoos for my friends and they are going to take them in and pay someone else to put it on them. They are going to pay good money for it to. So I have been pricing tattoo guns and all of the fun little things that come along with a gun so that I can just design and ink people myself.
Also even though winter is on the verge of sliding into its cozy little recliner like it is ready to watch a long and slow movie (A chick flick of course) that I am not really that escited about. Though I did just finish watching a few ski movies which helped a little to give me something to look forward to. Mostly I am not looking forward to another year fighting to keep the happy juices i.e. serotonin flowing. Up to this point I have done really well at fighting of the abominable depression monster. He isn't quit as love able as the abominable snow man. Yet I definitely feel him behind me. He keeps winking at me and it is creeping me out. Back to the point that I was making when I entered into this rant about the winter. Seeings how I have recently sold my auto mobile I am pondering what my next form of transportation will be. Even with the snow on its way I am leaning towards a motorcycle.
In the spring I am going to be taking a course on how to build bicycle frames in Ashland, Oregon. I want to build custom bikes. Like the tattooing I want is as a little something something that keeps me cruising on a creative level. A good outlet.
Pondering on my future I have become more firm on the path that I want to take. I want to become AMGA certified. Now going for your AMGA is as hard as going for a PHD and twice as expensive. So I am going another route to being able to afford and support myself during. I have decided and laid out a time table. In approx. just shy of a year I am going to enter into the largest move of my life thus far I am going to become a helicopter pilot. It will pay well and allow for a single fellow that lives very simply such as me to live happily just about anywhere I would want. It will also allow me to afford my quest to become AMGA cert. This wll allow me one more year of the guiding the river before I dive into it all.
In one week I will be in Mexico on a Mancation with a few friends. Then i have to make my decision on what I am going to be doing for the winter. Cedar City or Boise. Recently I was also offered a decent paying gig in SLC building Climbing walls with good pay. Cedar and SLC would be much better money wise, but I as you when has money been something I have wanted to be wise about? My heart leans toward boise. It is a town that I seem to fit in pretty well seeing how I don't really do the church thing that the vast majority of my core group of friends in SLC do. It has a very strong up and coming climbing community that is really phsyced. There are a few kayaking spots that run year round and people that will boat year round, more then the one or two in SLC. Cedar would be fun and amazing I would most likely be able to get my EMT out of the way. Or I could fall back into my same old groove in SLC which is why I do not want to go back there.
This summer has been a great summer as a single fellow just out to have some fun and goof off but as of late i have felt a little bit off. I am still enjoying bachelor hood but something has shifted. I cannot figure it out.
The town of Moab seems to have gone into a comatose state. Their are fewer and fewer people here. The amount of people in my age group is very slim pickings. I have one very good friend in town. I consider him to be one of my best friends. We are very similar in many ways. One way that we are not is in the way of the ladies. Now this good friend recently ended a relationship and he is pretty hard when he does such a thing. He is an investor in relationships. He goes all out from the beging which I agree with but he goes all out. Anyways he is my many outlet to a social network but as of late I have had to play the baby sitter keeping him in check and sane. It has been an interesting week. I usually get a call around 8 or nine in the evening and he is at the bar shooting pool. So my pool game has improved and I have met the true Moab locals. Many grizzled men and women to boot. It makes me want a little more out of myself.
This week alone I have been called a renaissance man, intriguing, and a few other things that have me a bit baffled. All of them good things to which I say thank you to those who said them. I look at myself and have to wonder why I am being referred to as such. I ponder this because I am a very simple person I seek enjoyment out of life and that is about it. There are so many people that live to have family's and careers that further their lives and others. I don't trade that path. I seek not the American dream by any means. In my pondering of what these people have said I think this way and try to see back in from the outside and only thing I can gather is that those are the things that people find interesting.
I think I am finally ready for some sleep. good night.
I think this definitely fits the titles of "Rantings and Ravings." Good luck with all that.
Marco, I love ya kid, and I'm totally jazzed to hear where your next great adventure takes you. Have fun in Mexico!
We love you Marcus! Hope you decide to come out our way so we can hang out with you more. Your presence always brightens and enriches our lives. You will always be welcome amongst us!
Boise is fun!(hint hint) i hope that you find what you want, it sounds like you have a an idea? it is just finding it which seems to be the issue, good luck to you on your trip. hope to see you soon!
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