He has three toes.
So Zach and I met with Andrew and found a place to hang out and sleep for a week or so before we could get into our new place. We both had purchased surf boards and went for it. both of us got up on our first attempts and have spent most days surfing depending on when hightide is. It is an awsome sport that made me feel out of shape for the first few days. It is so consintrated on the back when paddling and everywhere else when you are standing and surfing. As far as rafting is conserned it has been frustrating Andrew isn't as far along with things as he should be so we spend alot of time sitting around doing nothing. We still nee a place to operate from. He needs to look into hiring permenant guides. Things of that nature. We actually got to do the Savegre finally last Wed. It is an intense little section. mostly 2's and 3's with 2 class 4's that are pretty intense. The first being Coma gringo (Gringo Eater) the second we named Bohda Sopha. this one nearly flipped us the boat stayed upright but we all went out for a swim. Zach did a flying squirrel move on to his back landing on a rock. We thought that he was fine but as it turns out he actually brok a rib. We found that out because we did that section again a day later and he could barely move. So being worthless as far as rafting is conserned he was offered a chance to drive but opted to head home. He took off this morning. This has put me in a interesting position in a foreign country with not much to do. So much to my dismay I will be coming home sooner then I had intended. some time mid November.
One of my self portraits.
Zach on Dominical Playa.
A short walk from where I live is this waterfall and swiming hole with a great ropeswing. This is me apon descent. We go to see a three towed sloth from about 5 feet away.
man marcus!!! what an adventure!!i am loving the swimming hole best!! and yeah, thats life things never work out quite how we planned...but you went to costa rica and had a kickin time! sounds cool to me!!! its gorgeous! i want to go like you did- in teh back door with locals..sounds more fun! miss you!
well that sucks sorry to hear your headng home so soon but i guess you and i will be able to pull harder sooner then we thought , take a pic of you surfing be fore you go so we can see , call me when your back and lets go hang out.
p.s. love the pic of your feet again i saw it and laugh cause thats what i think of when i think of pic of you , you should put that as your profial pic.
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