Soaking the Colorado River.

Soaking the Colorado River.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Welcome to the jungle

So I got the opertunity to do a trip for the Costa Rica part of outward bound and do some unknown whitewater and camp in the jungle. We put on to a section of the General(hen-er-al) river class 3-5 It was by pure luck that the do saftey kayaking which it made more sence that I kayak then paddle raft having never been down the section. Now to understand you must first understand how much it rains down here. one day in a city called San Isidro it started to rain with in a matter of about 2 minuetes the streets had so much water in the that I could have kayaked the streets with a great deal of ease and it dose this type of rainning every night. Anyways back to the river. We where running it aat a level that is higher then the guides had ever seen it. Imagine the smile on my face at the point that I realized I am saftey kayaking in a play boat I have never boated before on a section I have never seen before at a level not seen before. There are so many amazing waves in this section I has in heaven. So we got to camp and set up tarps becasue tents don't stand up to the amount of water that falls here. We went to bed and slept well. I will tell you this camping in the jungle kind of sucks. when we woke up that next morning the water was rising at a rate that I have never imagined possible in a river. We moved our gear and within a few minutes the river had risen about 3 feet and flooded our camp. We ended up haveing a stay over day because the volume was to high. now a day under a tarp ion the jungle gets interesting with dreding of hair to playing "in the manner of the adverb" to eating alot of grilled cheese.


Hammy said...

That rocks dude. you are the bomb diggity. hope that all is well with you it sounds great. Hey do you know how Zack is doing? I was just wondering if he went back or not. Well take care and hast la pasta.

Mary Grace said...

haha marcus i love reading your blog!! i hope you are loving your life as much as i am loving it! haha