Soaking the Colorado River.

Soaking the Colorado River.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


So last night I went to the Banff film festival last night. It turned out to be one of the best that I have seen in all the years I have been going. There where the usual visually stimulating and awe inspiring films that are pushing the limits of whatever sport was being showcased. There where two films that hit me The first was about a solo sea kayaker that attempted to cross from Austrailia to New Zealand via the Tazman sea. It was mind blowing and very hard to watch as he had to spend all day in that cockpit and even sleep in it. He made it all the way there surviving a storm with 30-40 foot waves and 70 mph winds only to capsize 30 kilometers from shore and drown.
The other film that struck me was about a gentleman whom used to climb pretty strong but had an accident that partially parallized the right side of his body. He came back to an area he helped develope when he was younger. He did one route and that was cool, but it was more his prespective of life now. For instence he was talking about the friends he had made in his life and how the ones he made in his twenties climbing where the ones that stayed the closest and formed the strongest bonds. Now I am not out of my twenties but I can already sense what he is talking about. Those that I have spent a lot of time on the rock or in the water with I have a much tighter bond and more of a longing to be around moving in what ever endevor we might be connected through. This isn't to say that those I was close to in high school and previous to it are not my great friends but I do not feel a strong connection with them in the same sense.

1 comment:

Chris Andrew said...

The Banff film fest is here in Moab March 15th, so it's nice to hear about what I'm going to see. Nice!